The Maya believed that everyone has a purpose and destiny. Most disagreements with the idea of a preconceived destiny are based on the idea that a destiny denotes a specific outcome of circumstances in the physical world. Instead, the Mayan Calendar speaks of a destiny and purpose of the Spirit.
A personal destiny oracle not only defines destiny and purpose, but also offers insights on where you may feel challenged, where you need to grow, how to find supporting energy, and who you will find to be your best role models. The calendar offers insight on the activities and goals that are destined to succeed on specific days. There are no predicted outcomes, only the Spirit of the experiences is suggested.
They call it the ‘calendar of synchronicities’ because it is experienced as a feeling of reading your own story. At first, the ah-ha’s seem amazing and magical; and, over time - though, still magical – it becomes evident that there is a divine order and purpose to every moment of our universal experience.
Our universal challenge and purpose…
to recognize that we are ALL part of the ONE. The moment we remember that we are "all in this together" we will never be the same. How different would life be if you REALLY realized that every harm done to another was a harm done to yourself? And, what if you experienced every joy offered to another was a joy to yourself? Only a thin veil challenges us to remember what we already know to be true – in it’s fullness.
Why is it sometimes so difficult to see the simple evidence of how lessons of our destiny and purpose have been handed down through history…
Of our true one-ness.
‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40
"you are the body of Christ," 1 Cor 12:27
And a divine design – where the order of the universe is based on a precise flow of time…
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3
Every indigenous tribe on the planet, observed this 13 moon calendar - as the sacred flow of time. The Gregorian Calendar was enforced to promote commerce - and now that is what we have, and we have forgotten our inherent connection to the 13 month calendar... an illusive disconnect and forgetting that is only remembered by following the days of the calendar as reflected in ALL of nature.
in lak'ech