We are ONE, and we CAN make a difference!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

We are the ones we've been waiting for...

It's an exciting time to be alive and to see people coming together... for changes throughout our world. David Wilcock offers a very interesting interview on his site about behind-the-scenes that we may soon see in the news, so I encourage you to visit his website - and read the story about pending disclosure.

in lak'ech

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Energy of Want

Whenever I look through my old journals, I invariably find prayers for something I felt was missing, needed or wanted. When I used to reread them, I would honestly be dismayed that in spite of YEARS of these prayers, I STILL wasn't getting what I wanted.

FINALLY, I learned my approach was actually engaging the self-perpetuating 'energy of want and disappointment.' How much happier and hopeful I am, once I learned to return my thoughts to gratitude for everything I have, and SEE myself in the flow of perpetual abundance. It is so easy to overlook SO MANY BLESSINGS in my life.

It's not always easy, though peace returns in the very moment my attention is returned from what I want to what I have.

Monday, August 15, 2011

A way opens before you...

"A way opens before you. All obstacles and impediments are removed. Only that which is worthy and desirable goes forward with you." ~ a traditional Native American blessing

Today my children are beginning a journey from New Mexico to a new life in Washington state. A long distance trip always reminds me of a traditional blessing that was shared with me as I was about to depart from my first sacred dance ceremony. I can still see my three Spirit sisters standing together and chanting this together as I was about to back out of the driveway.

It carried such magic that I've used it ever since... ALWAYS when I leave for a trip, or WHENEVER I want to remember there is a WAY prepared for me under ANY circumstances.

I attempted to find a source and was unable to find it anywhere. I'm posting it here today to help insure this blessing can be found. (If anyone knows the accurate source - please share!)

in lak'ech

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Where is all the noise coming from?

While I'm inclined to track earthquakes and solar flares as evidence of transformational Earth changes, I believe the REAL chaos is already upon us in the way of news and social media. We are constantly bombarded with news of war - wars between countries, politicians, religions, and different schools of thought... the imagined US and THEM.

We CAN choose what we listen to and what we engage in. We can simply TURN IT OFF.

In the silence, we can find that the peace inside is always present and be guided by Spirit.

One of my greatest teachers, Beautiful Painted Arrow/Joseph Rael, taught that PEACE ON EARTH IS AN INSIDE JOB. And, by listening to that still small voice inside, we can emanate the energy of peace and love to the whole world.

We are about to enter the Galactic week of 1 Manik/Hand - the daykeeper sign of spiritual tools... a perfect time to turn inward and engage our most cherished spiritual tools, and perhaps find new and better ones, by listening to the voice of Spirit within.

In lak'ech

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Everything is within you...

"Everything I need to be happy and whole is already inside of me. I don't have to compete on the world's playing field, because nothing that I would seek to own or receive from outside myself defines me or makes me any more or less than I already am."

There is never a reason to compete with anyone, for nothing can compare to who you really are.

in lak'ech

Saturday, August 6, 2011

KIN 225 - Galactic Tone 4/Serpent-Chicchan

Galactic Tone 4: Stabilize
Chicchan/Serpent: Movement, and the creation of time... sensual and dramatic embodiment of instinctual wisdom, creating connection from Earth bound, to Heavenly aspirations.

The fear, hatred and strife seen in the daily news presents an opportunity and blessing to grow in our ability to stay steadfast to the vision of light, love, and peace in the world. Light always dispells the darkness when we remember to shine.

I hold fast to the intention of sending love into the world, to all as sacred parts of the one.

in lak'ech

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kin 212: Galactic Tone 4, Human/EB

Today is the 364th and final day of this 13-moon year... tomorrow, being the day of the Noosphere Pause/Day out of Time. This is a time across the planet when Mayan Daykeepers unite in the Spirit of remembering that we are all a part of the same ONE something that is the whole creation of being.

In celebration of this ending and the new beginning July 26, 2011 into the Year of the Wizard/Jaguar, I would offer the following thoughts for your consideration, about the True significance of the December 21, 2011 Mayan prophecies.

What do the Mayans believe as the significance of the December 21, 2011 date?

The prophetic meaning of the December 21, 2012 date as defined/understood by the Mayan culture is NOT about a cataclysmic ending, but instead, a new beginning and the remembering of what it is to be fully human (the intention for which we were created to be).

As defined by noted Mayan prophecy teacher, José Argüelles/Valum Votan, “The prophetic date, December 21, 2012 marks the crest of the 104,000 year galactic spiral density wave, an evolutionary shift point of unprecedented magnitude, the shift from mind to supermind and the ascent of spiritual-mental values over materialistic ones.”

My understanding is that December 21, 2011 is a pivatol point in time at which the “normal” on Earth becomes the human consciousness of the ONEness of all, and the recognition of the power of Spirit over the pursuit of materialism – our enslavement to consumerism… and, the point in time at which we can no longer deny that the good of the whole is the good of ALL as the ONE. If the greatest commandment is “to love one another,” what WOULD life be if our greatest desire was to Love one another as ourselves, so much so, that every action would be born of that intention? Heaven on Earth!

Will there be chaos? As with any change of such magnitude that would change human perceptions in such a significant way – to some, I believe it may appear as calamity, as in the "tearing down of strongholds" of long-held belief systems. Though, I also believe the perception of chaos will be only to the extent that one may cling to out-dated values of today’s more pervasive materialistic views. The Truth has always been spoken that we hold the power to create our own experience and to fulfill our dearest dreams. To the extent that one may hold fast to the real power of Love, may determine how easily one experiences this transformation. Though, everyone is enough as they already are, and we are all already worthy to receive the gift of becoming a new creation.

"After midnight the moon set and I was alone with the stars." ~Amelia Earhart (Kin 212, today is Solar birthday of Amelia Earhart, 1897)

Many blessings to all my Kin
in lak'ech

Jaguar Woman/mo sah thi wey ney

Saturday, July 9, 2011

ASK and you shall receive...

ASK. I am finding this to be one of the MOST important spiritual tools available to me – and surprised that it’s taken me so long to figure out. I always thought I WAS asking, when I was really only lamenting about the things I didn’t have.

I’ve heard it many times in my life – probably the first was, Matthew 7:7-8:

Matthew 7: 7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

A recent resource that shed greater light on this for me was from, “The Gentle Way” website at http://www.thegentlewaybook.com/, which offers encouragement on how to ask our Guardian Angel (out loud) for the “most benevolent outcomes.” This seemly small act done on my way to work over the past few months has been one of the best spiritual tools I’ve employed to maintain my personal sense of peace and connectedness.

I ask out loud for the most benevolent outcomes for myself, for my day, for those I come in contact with, and even other drivers I see on the road. It just seems to ripple out more each time I use it… and as I truly feel a deep desire that others I include experience a supernaturally wonderful day, I ask, believing it and thanking my Angel for it. It is such a simple way to support the energy of peace on earth, and reminds me that I have something important to offer to the world.

We are more powerful than we realize, and unlocking the power of our intentions is as simple and easy as sending love and goodwill.

Just ASK out loud, and see what happens!

in lak'ech

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Changes in the Earth’s magnetic field are creating potential for more extreme Earth response to solar activity…

The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT/Japan) reported the collape of the magnetosphere on June 4 and 5th. The magnetosphere is the magnetic field surrounding the Earth that shields us from the effects of geomagnetic storms and other solar emissions. See Wikipedia info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetosphere.

While this field undergoes constant change, this is highly unusual – and caused by prolonged impact by solar winds. One hypothesis (http://www.solartyphoon.com/solar4.htm) is that a total collapse will cause induced current on the Earth's surface measured in the tens or hundreds of volts per linear mile, transferring enormous amounts of heat into the Earth's inner core, and trigger massive earth crust displacement.

To see the collapse as it appeared June 4-5, visit http://sherriequestioningall.blogspot.com/2011/06/magnetosphere-collapsing-couple-of.html

To see real time simulations of the magnetosphere, visit

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Lord of the Dawn Arises - and Sets in Motion

On this day, February 11, 2011, as Egypt lays groundwork for a new beginning, we arrive at the 113th day of the first of seven 113 day cycles brought forward by Votan as a major cycle of transformation.

In October 2010, Valum Votan acknowledged that we had entered the last 791 (7 x 113) day cycle, "a galactic activation portal - a heightened phase of accelerating transformation." Today, kin 49, Feb 11, 2011, is the 113th day - the end of the first of seven 113 day cycles, described by Jose Arguelles-Valum Votan, in his writing, "Galactic Spiral Density Wave and 2012: The Final Cycles of Transformation." http://www.lawoftime.org/pdfs/GalacticDensitySpiral2012.pdf

Votan described this first 113 day cycle as (blue) the "Lord of the Dawn Arises", Days 791-679, Self-existing 5, Kin 197, 2 Earth (22 October 2010) Galactic 5, Kin 49, 10 Moon (11 February 2011) 5 Moon year.

"The Lord of the Dawn Arises" seems an appropriate description of the largest rising of the ONE universal spirit emerging in the events in Cairo that manifested on this day.

The second 113 day cycle is defined as "Lord of the Dawn Sets in Motion". Certainly, political events, reveals of corruption, and the rising up of the human spirit in unity brings a new dawn that has 'set in motion' new progress on our road to transformation.

Love is ENERGY - Pass it forward!

The Journey - Conversations With God

Love in a Recipe - Mom's Chocolate Sheet Cake

One of the things I love about my Mom, is that everyone who enters the door is offered something wonderful from her kitchen - this is my favorite thing. This is seriously one of the best recipes in my entire collection - the fastest and BEST chocolate cake you will ever lay hands on. You just can't screw this up!

Mom's Chocolate Sheet Cake

The Cake...
2 Cups Flour
2 Cups Sugar
1 Stick Butter
5 Tablespoons Hershey's Cocoa
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1 Cup Water
1 Teaspoon Soda
1/2 Cup Buttermilk
2 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 Cup Oil

First - preheat the oven to 400 degrees (that is not a typo).
Get a big sauce pan, you are going to mix the batter in there. Melt the butter with the oil, water, and cocoa and bring to a boil. Take off the stove immediately, and add all the dry ingredients, EXCEPT THE SODA. Dissolve the soda in the 1/2 Cup of Buttermilk, then add this, the eggs, and vanilla and mix till smooth. Pour batter into a sheet cake pan - those big pans that are a little deeper than a cookie sheet. (I line mine with parchment paper, or grease and dust it with flour.) Bake for 20 minutes ONLY, or until it springs back.

The frosting...
You are going to use the same saucepan, so rinse and start over for the frosting. This doesn't take long, and you pour it over the cake while it is still hot - only 5 minutes out of the oven... so I usually start this about 5 minutes BEFORE the cake is done.

1 Stick Butter
5 Tablespoons Hershey's Cocoa
1/3 Cup Buttermilk
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1 Box (2 1/2 Cups) Powdered Sugar
1/2 Cup chopped pecans (optional)

Melt the butter with the cocoa til well dissolved. Add the buttermilk and vanilla - mix. Add the powdered sugar and keep this on a low burner... just to keep it from setting while you are mixing. By now, your cake should be out of the oven - add the nuts if you want them in the frosting - then pour this over the cake. (The frosting sets up like a homemade MMMMM fudge and holds all the moisture in the cake... will stay moist for days like that.)

OMG - Never baked this for ANYONE that they didn't go ape over it. You can leave out the cinnamon, though just a tad is unrecognizable - just "something" good people can't quite put their finger on. TRY IT.

I'm packing boxes for my move, and just couldn't bear the thought of not being able to find this recipe that I love so much. Hope you enjoy it. AND THANK YOU MOM!