We are ONE, and we CAN make a difference!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

3 Sun/AJAU

3 Sun/AJAU

Galactice Tone 3
Action, movement, and communication… three energy is very eloquent in all types of self-expression, communication is how you establish a point of agreement from any Point A to any Point B. The basic movement being a vibration – three persons are rhythmic to the core. They are often restless, as motion is their nature. By woking closely with the energy of three, any person becomes more able to predict motion of all kinds.

Sun or light is the day song of completion and this will tend to have consequences for those that are born into it. They are often romantic enthusiasts visionaries with artistic abilities who are easily perceived as dreamers. It seems because they have been born into this spiritual sign of completion they find it difficult to understand that the world around them has not yet arrived at such a high state and instead is dominated by materialist or greedy motives. Thus, in confrontations with “real” life they will often be perceived as unrealistic. A series of disappointments may then lead the Sun to shun responsibility and not accept the necessary corrective measures. Nonetheless, Sun persons retain a natural spirituality that is the birthright of the last of the signs or day keepers. The challenge is to approach life realistically wi6hout compromising the great dreams that they have. Also they are enlightened persons that will carry the universal fire. They have the commitment in this life in being the candle that will illuminate the path for those who are behind them.

Mayan Prophecy for April 21, 2009
by Dr. Jose Jaramillo
April 21, 2009 marks the ending point of the rounds of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells. On the exact day of April 22, 2009 a new prophetic round of hope will be open for the whole humanity to start understanding the secrets behind each ancient story in how everything works in our beautiful Galaxy within our Solar system and our Mother Earth. Tomorrow, April 22, 2009, will be “4 IMIX” which means “4 Crocodile kin 121” will be the beginning of the 40 days and 40 nights round of preparation that will last only 80 days.

Here is the chart of 40 days and 40 nights:

First 20 days: Will start: April 22, 2009 Will End: May 11, 2009 10 Sun
Second 20 days: Will start May 12, 2009 Will End: May 31, 2009 4 Sun
First 20 nights: Will start June 1, 2009 Will End: June 20, 2009 11 Sun
Second 20 nights: Will start June 21, 2009 Will End: July 10, 2009 5 Sun

On the exact day of July 10, 2009 “5 AJAW” which means “5 Sun” it will start a period of redemption for 1,260 days until we reach the precise moment on December 21, 2012 which will be “4 AJAW” which means “4 Sun kin 160” in the sacred count of days.

After 1,260 days we all need to walk this Earth for another 60 days to complete the 1,320 days after the end of the Mayan Calendar on February 21, 2013, then it will be the return of the King. We need to remember that the natural frequency of the Mayan calendar is made of 13 numbers or tones and 20-day signs or nahuales, which is known as the 13:20.

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Love is ENERGY - Pass it forward!

The Journey - Conversations With God

Love in a Recipe - Mom's Chocolate Sheet Cake

One of the things I love about my Mom, is that everyone who enters the door is offered something wonderful from her kitchen - this is my favorite thing. This is seriously one of the best recipes in my entire collection - the fastest and BEST chocolate cake you will ever lay hands on. You just can't screw this up!

Mom's Chocolate Sheet Cake

The Cake...
2 Cups Flour
2 Cups Sugar
1 Stick Butter
5 Tablespoons Hershey's Cocoa
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1 Cup Water
1 Teaspoon Soda
1/2 Cup Buttermilk
2 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 Cup Oil

First - preheat the oven to 400 degrees (that is not a typo).
Get a big sauce pan, you are going to mix the batter in there. Melt the butter with the oil, water, and cocoa and bring to a boil. Take off the stove immediately, and add all the dry ingredients, EXCEPT THE SODA. Dissolve the soda in the 1/2 Cup of Buttermilk, then add this, the eggs, and vanilla and mix till smooth. Pour batter into a sheet cake pan - those big pans that are a little deeper than a cookie sheet. (I line mine with parchment paper, or grease and dust it with flour.) Bake for 20 minutes ONLY, or until it springs back.

The frosting...
You are going to use the same saucepan, so rinse and start over for the frosting. This doesn't take long, and you pour it over the cake while it is still hot - only 5 minutes out of the oven... so I usually start this about 5 minutes BEFORE the cake is done.

1 Stick Butter
5 Tablespoons Hershey's Cocoa
1/3 Cup Buttermilk
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1 Box (2 1/2 Cups) Powdered Sugar
1/2 Cup chopped pecans (optional)

Melt the butter with the cocoa til well dissolved. Add the buttermilk and vanilla - mix. Add the powdered sugar and keep this on a low burner... just to keep it from setting while you are mixing. By now, your cake should be out of the oven - add the nuts if you want them in the frosting - then pour this over the cake. (The frosting sets up like a homemade MMMMM fudge and holds all the moisture in the cake... will stay moist for days like that.)

OMG - Never baked this for ANYONE that they didn't go ape over it. You can leave out the cinnamon, though just a tad is unrecognizable - just "something" good people can't quite put their finger on. TRY IT.

I'm packing boxes for my move, and just couldn't bear the thought of not being able to find this recipe that I love so much. Hope you enjoy it. AND THANK YOU MOM!