Dear Ones,
I receive so many political messages encouraging one action or another. This is my response to ALL of them.
I don't believe that we can rely on the understanding OR INTEREST of ANY government official to come to our salvation. They already know the facts and haven't stepped up to the plate. It is simply not in their interest to do so. When will people see that we have all been controlled THROUGH OUR OWN FEAR. THAT is the single marketing message that keeps everyone off balance, and side-tracks us from standing in our greatest power and from seeing how truly blessed we are.
What I do believe in is the power of LOVE. I believe the simplest answer is that we all turn off our TVs - whether it's CNN or FOX - if we took 10 MINUTES out of our day to turn to God, acknowledge that HE is still in control, and ask only that we love one another as ourselves - even the bad guys - that our turnaround would be swift and sure. We would SEE and be able to RESPOND in the best way possible TO turn things around.
NO ONE EVER ultimately succeeds from a position of fear. That is the VERY STRONGHOLD of control that has led us to this place.
My most cherished teachers have taught me that Peace on Earth is an inside job. When EACH one anchors themselves to this truth - refuses the offer of fear - and strives to exist within LOVE for all God has given us, THEN that peace will flow out like a river to purify everyone on earth. To stand in God's love is a light so bright that no darkness can prevail within it.
I know we can not stick our heads in the sand - we were all given the sacred right of choice. What is right for one, may be a mistake for another. Who can even say what the right thing is to do anymore? We have empowered these people, and we have turned our whole future over to them - hoping they will do the right things.
I encourage everyone to GO TO THE SOURCE - the ONLY SOURCE that can truly bless us in the purest of intentions. Don't spread the fear that they so hope we will succumb to, forgetting our true power is found in the unseen forces of God's love.
Love the earth, love your brother, love your enemy, love yourself, and love every experience. Love is the only answer. Have we forgotten that the most profound lesson in history is about someone who loved so much, that they would even give their life for us?
To me - THIS IS THE ONLY MESSAGE WORTH SPREADING. We are NOT DEMOCRATS NOR REPUBLICANS - what a lowly way to define who we are, when we are ALL children of God, we are all here due to His GRACE, and there is STILL SO MUCH BEAUTY in the world.
in lak'ech
Debra Malmos - Jaguar Woman
Debra Malmos - Jaguar Woman
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