We are ONE, and we CAN make a difference!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Embracing the Divine Mystery

SO much of my life, I felt I was stumbling through – not having any idea of my purpose or direction. I NEVER knew what I wanted to be, and it seemed my directions all happened by chance. Now every obstacle in my life has been cleared away and I have never been so happy to be who I am. I could never imagined the wonder I feel today of such total faith, love, and happiness.

I recently searched for the Bible scripture about “God has a plan for you" (Jeremiah 29:11), to share with someone who was struggling with this same issue of “not knowing” … only to realize the message was meant for me. The wonders I am experiencing now in my life could never be so sweet had they been anticipated, wished for, or expected. God KNEW all along what my greatest joy would be – the wonder and awe of the unexpected blessings and miracles.

I will forevermore embrace the divine mystery, the place of not knowing, as one of life’s sweetest of blessings.

Blessings in lak'ech

Debra Malmos- Jaguar Woman

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Power of Love

Dear Ones,
I receive so many political messages encouraging one action or another. This is my response to ALL of them.

I don't believe that we can rely on the understanding OR INTEREST of ANY government official to come to our salvation. They already know the facts and haven't stepped up to the plate. It is simply not in their interest to do so. When will people see that we have all been controlled THROUGH OUR OWN FEAR. THAT is the single marketing message that keeps everyone off balance, and side-tracks us from standing in our greatest power and from seeing how truly blessed we are.

What I do believe in is the power of LOVE. I believe the simplest answer is that we all turn off our TVs - whether it's CNN or FOX - if we took 10 MINUTES out of our day to turn to God, acknowledge that HE is still in control, and ask only that we love one another as ourselves - even the bad guys - that our turnaround would be swift and sure. We would SEE and be able to RESPOND in the best way possible TO turn things around.

NO ONE EVER ultimately succeeds from a position of fear. That is the VERY STRONGHOLD of control that has led us to this place.

My most cherished teachers have taught me that Peace on Earth is an inside job. When EACH one anchors themselves to this truth - refuses the offer of fear - and strives to exist within LOVE for all God has given us, THEN that peace will flow out like a river to purify everyone on earth. To stand in God's love is a light so bright that no darkness can prevail within it.

I know we can not stick our heads in the sand - we were all given the sacred right of choice. What is right for one, may be a mistake for another. Who can even say what the right thing is to do anymore? We have empowered these people, and we have turned our whole future over to them - hoping they will do the right things.

I encourage everyone to GO TO THE SOURCE - the ONLY SOURCE that can truly bless us in the purest of intentions. Don't spread the fear that they so hope we will succumb to, forgetting our true power is found in the unseen forces of God's love.

Love the earth, love your brother, love your enemy, love yourself, and love every experience. Love is the only answer. Have we forgotten that the most profound lesson in history is about someone who loved so much, that they would even give their life for us?

To me - THIS IS THE ONLY MESSAGE WORTH SPREADING. We are NOT DEMOCRATS NOR REPUBLICANS - what a lowly way to define who we are, when we are ALL children of God, we are all here due to His GRACE, and there is STILL SO MUCH BEAUTY in the world.

in lak'ech
Debra Malmos - Jaguar Woman

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Flowing in the River as the Divine ONE

I am experiencing the miracles that result when we unite ourselves in the Spirit of lak'ech. This is the Mayan greeting, which means - I am another yourself (or I am you, and you are me).

When we give to another, recognizing we are giving to ourselves - we are open to the divine miracles that follow. This came forward to me today in such a profound way.

When I first moved to Tucson, I had given up a household of belongings in order to finance the move. What seemed like a total personal failure, immediately led to such freedom - that even in the not knowing - it still felt like a blessing.

When I arrived in Tucson, friends had emptied their storage lockers to furnish my new place - I walked right into a furnished apartment.

Now, as I plan a move to Seattle - there is little, beyond boxes, that needs to go along. The friends that furnished my place, no longer want these belongings and the costs of storage that they would represent.

Today, I met a young man who is in process of turning his life around. He is moving to this complex with only a bed - less than a week before I will be moving on. Instead of my stuff going to Goodwill - it will go straight to him to furnish HIS new place IN FULL. The only thing I didn't have to pass along WAS THE BED - he already has.

I have never felt so blessed, guided, protected - and coasting along on the river of divine Spirit. The key that unlocks this divine flow - is simply seeing one another as OURSELVES.

This WAS the most important teaching Jesus ever shared - to love your brother as yourself - in truth - HE IS YOURSELF!!!

In lak'ech
Jaguar Woman

Friday, September 25, 2009

13 Ascension; Serpent/CHICCHAN

Sharing a very uplifting email I rec'd this morning. Very timely that this arrives on the day 13 Serpent/CHICCHAN (13 Day of Ascension of this Galactic week), and also sealing this past 13 days that begun under 1 Reed/BEN (the intention energy for this week, being about establishing connections/balance between heaven and earth). Many of my friends have been experiencing the half-here, half-somewhere else - with very active dreamtime - so this information and timing feels especially in tune with our universal consciousness - and it's VERY GOOD NEWS!!!

I have included the descriptions of Serpent/CHICCHAN and Reed/BEN below. The attached email links to David Wilcox inspiration and prophecy about the days ahead.

in lak'ech

Reed/BEN - Guiding light for family and home; tough and analytical, Reed/BEN endeavors to bring peace and harmony to all of their relations... with great skill at negotiating, they are also often put to the test. The glyph is represented by the reed - Native American tradition sees Reed as connection between heaven and earth - a direct pipeline.

Serpent/CHICCHAN - Movement and creation of time. Sensual and dramatic, this sun sign embodies intense instinctual wisdom and creates a connection from Earth bound to Heavenly aspirations. By sincere service to others, Serpent opens and expands it's heart. Serpents align authority and the truth to bring justice that is quick and sure... are adaptable and fluid. (As day 13 ascension - this is the focus of today's ascension... moving to the next step of awareness, upon which to begin a new Galactic cycle, tomorrow. (1 Death/Rebirth/Transformer/CIMI - a week ahead under the focus of rebirth and transition.)


Prophetic dreams and 2012 David Wilcox

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mayan Meditation

I wanted to share a meditation I learned a long time ago on the Native American path. I believe it is Mayan in origin. I always say it when I get in the car, or whenever I need reassurance. Seeing it again today - it seemed so appropriate and special.

A way opens before me.
All obstacles and impediments are removed.
Only that which is worthy and desirable
comes forward with me.

I also wanted to share a link to Don Alejandro's message about 2012 prophecy and what it means. I can't help but be moved by it in it's purity and simplicity.
Don Alejandro Speaks on the Shift of the Ages

in lak'ech

Sunday, August 16, 2009

2012 Prophecies Explained: by Drunvalo Melchizedek

I urge you to take the time to listen to a recent webcast by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo has been working closely with the indigenous peoples of the world for many years and has gained their trust.

According to the Maya themselves, they have not said one word in the last 527 years about the Mayan Calendar or 2012. So everything that we read, hear or see about the Maya is not coming from the Maya. They have recently broken their silence and they have given Drunvalo permission to share their sacred knowledge.

In this webcast, you will hear what the Maya themselves believe is happening in relation to December 21st 2012. This information is of extreme importance to each and every living soul on this planet. The information is quite staggering but gives us great cause for hope.

Link to Drunvalo Melchizedek Webcast

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Building the Rainbow Bridge

Down through time, the Rainbow has held special significance to peoples on earth.

In Genesis 9:13, it is written: "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth, among the people of the land."

The Rainbow was a focal point of spiritual belief among many nations and tribes on the Earth. Rainbow prophecies have been passed down by the Hopi and Zuni in the Southwest to the Cherokee in the Southeast, from the Cree in the far north, the great Sioux nations of the plains, to the Mayan people of the far south, and also the indigenous peoples of Hawaii.

What does it mean?
Common to all rainbow prophecy is the vision of the rainbow as our connection to the divine. Indigenous tribes believed that the rainbow bridge created the way for return of the star people and the ancestors.

In Norse mythology Bifrost the Rainbow Bridge connected Midgard (the realm of humankind) with Asgard, the realm of the Gods. In the Gylfaginning part of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, there is a description of Bifröst:
Then said Gangleri: "What is the way to heaven from earth?"
Then Hárr answered, and laughed aloud: "Now, that is not wisely asked;
has it not been told thee, that the gods made a bridge from earth to heaven,
called Bifröst? Thou must have seen it; it may be that ye call it 'rainbow.'

Today, a global community joins together in consciousness to create the Rainbow Bridge, with the belief that through our combined effort of consciousness, we can create the sign of the ages.

See the Rainbow Bridge Meditations
See Indigenous Rainbow Prophecies

In 1980 Michael Jackson and his brother Jackie wrote "Can you feel it," performed by the Jacksons, and contained the vision of the Rainbow Bridge. See Video

in lak'ech
Jaguar Woman

Sunday, July 26, 2009

8 Wisdom/CIB

Greetings on this 8 (Justice), Wisdom/CIB (Wisdom of the Ancients)

Sending Love, Light and Forgiveness
The energy of 8 moves us toward balance and justice, and we are offered the guidance of 'as above, so below.' I relate this to the illustration of the vortex energies, first spiraling from below to the center and out again as it expands upward. It also reminds me that what is sent out, like the vortex, which has an equal and opposite reaction... returns to us.

With renewed intention to release and forgive, I was reminded of a sacred healing ceremony recently offered by my medicine teacher. "First, look to the Sun and draw in the healing breath of light and love, and next, focus your intention for healing on the person who is in need - and exhale, sending the breath of love and light. You can do this 4 times, or blow 4 short breaths on the exhale. Be sure to focus back onto the Sun before drawing each healing breath."

Using this ceremony to send healing to the granddaughter of a dear friend who had an immediate turn-around, I decided I could use this sacred breath for myself. As I considered my renewed focus on forgiveness this morning, I took this one step further and decided to send this loving light to those I want to release with forgiveness. With a first breath, I blew love and light along the entrance to their home and surrounding property. On the second, I blew the spirit of love and light throughout inside of their home. On the third, I blew love and light on their person from head to toe. And, on the final fourth breath - sent blessings to their family, friends and surrounding community.

I experienced once again that when you are a channel for love and light, there is nowhere for darkness to exist within you. When you are sending love and light you create a vortex of love that is returned to you - as above, so below - you are both sending and receiving. We are ALWAYS sending and receiving, and what you send is what you will receive.

My dear teacher shared with me, "Do you know anyone who is not looking for love? Isn't that the one thing that each one of us is seeking - and the only "one thing" that can satisfy our longing?" This is the one gift that costs nothing to give, and requires nothing to receive. In fact, isn't it our whole purpose for living?

in lak'ech
Jaguar Woman 9-Eagle/MEN

Saturday, July 25, 2009

7 Eagle/MEN

Greetings on this 7 (Reflective - flow of the Divine Will); Eagle/MEN (Intermediary between Heaven and Earth)

Forgive, Release, Love
I had an opportunity to visit with a friend and beloved fellow medicine circle sister who is in process of the final transition. In our times together we have shared sacred ceremony and our personal inspirations with one another. It was a conversation that can only be realized as holding a connection with the divine.

She shared with me that she had always hoped for a speedy transition that would not require her to languish in bed, waiting for the end to come. Now that this has manifested in her life, she said it is the greatest blessing of her entire life. Yes, there were times of pain, however she has already crossed the great divide and with the bridge to Spirit already in place - this time has become a last opportunity for personal soul healing - a second chance to forgive, and to release, and give and receive love. What a beautiful blessing to know that joy can exist in this way.

During our conversation she offered two lessons that touched my heart as divine truths:
1) Forgiveness is the path to release our own hearts from misery. We can be grateful if we have many to be forgiven, offering many opportunity to practice the "decision" to forgive. She shared that forgiveness is not about a feeling - like the caboose of a train, our feelings will ultimately follow, if we lead with the "engine" of forgiveness. In truth, our need to forgive is born of our own fears and to forgive is to release that fear. (Consider someone you need to forgive. Isn't the pain 'they caused you' really only your response of fear of not having or getting something that you wanted?)

2) Honor and have faith in the sacredness of your own intentions. My friend mentioned that among the highest demonstrations of free will is found in the simple prayer - "I will that I will the divine will." When you recognize this to be your soul's true intention - this is the soul's true identity. We must forgive the human nature of duality and remember that the divine recognizes the purity of our true intention.

These are days when I find myself seeking divine inspiration that will support my daily walk and spiritual growth. This is something that each of us can share - we can be this light for one another, sparked by the divine light.

Many blessings,
in lak'ech
Jaguar Woman 9-Eagle/MEN

Monday, June 29, 2009

7 Moon/MULUC

Greetings on this 7 (Reflective), Offering or Moon/MULUC (Blessings and Offerings) Today is kin 189 - a Green Kin day - understood as days of activation of the ethereal body.

Given the many sites that offer daily Mayan Calendar galactic tones and signs, I am still considering what information I can offer that will be the most beneficial. My own favorite (and reliable) resource for daily information is the daily calendar on Mayan Majix - http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html

What is our purpose - and how can we benefit from the consciousness of energies of each passing day? Is the evolution of the ages, the point at which our collective consciousness reaches a threshold of remembering that impacts the sum of consciousness on our planet?

The law of physics demonstrates that matter can be influenced by thought. I have found several interesting resources for information on this. Search 'noosphere' and 'law of one' via Google and you will find a wealth of resources that explore this theory.

Can we make the world a better place, just by loving it? What if our goal for each day was to just love it - whatever happens, whatever it is.

That is my "offering" on the day of MULUC. Related to the moon, MULUC is definitely related to our emotions. We may have strong "feelings" about our experiences on MULUC days. Whether pleasant or unpleasant, the greatest gift I feel I have to "offer" is my own appreciation for the whole of experiences of life.

in lak'ech
Jaguar Woman - 9-Eagle

Monday, April 27, 2009

9 Transformer/CIMI

Greetings on this day 9 (patience) Transformer/CIMI (changing consciousness; life, death, rebirth)

Galactic Tone 9
The energy of 9 is about getting a better perspective of the big picture. With the energy of 9, plans or patterns begin to come to completion. Patience and perseverance found in the bigger picture are strong or there is great suffering for the lack thereof. A completion of cycles of action is all-important to nine.

Transformer/CIMI is the Day Keeper associated with life, death, and rebirth. Death was in the ancient sources considered as the luckiest of days. Those born under the Destiny of CIMI are often very successful in business, and may also be excellent healers who may calmly guide others through their transformation of life, because of their own spiritual strength. They support pregnant women and guide them through the lasting transformations at key period of their lives. Among the Maya, life was generated by death and the contact with ancestors served to activate inherent psychic abilities. Their challenge in life is to live it fully and not give in to defeatism. Usually Death persons have the mission to walk the path of their spiritual ancestors and bring their messages among the living people of this planet and share it with everyone. They have the need to transcend death and to be a World-Bridger between heaven and earth.

The combination of 9 Transformer/CIMI encourages us to turn our dreams and intentions from a higher perspective and bring plans or patterns to completion. The Transformer encourages us to draw upon the ancient wisdom of the Elders and to tie loose ends.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Friday, April 24, 2009

6 Night/AKBAL

Greetings on this day 6 (movement) Night/AKBAL (bringer of the dawn)

Galactic Tone 6

The movement of volume through space creating time – 6 is the energy of negotiation and responsiveness. Think on the art of dance or the play of a great athlete to see this energy in action. Six energy facilitates dynamic developments and improvements in all aspects of life.

The Day Keeper Night/AKBAL is the bringer of the dawn. AKBAL brings illumination to the road of life, dispelling insecurities and doubts born of darkness and the subconscious mind. Night/AKBAL carries us through the darkness - the womb of creation - to bring forth new solutions and artistic impression. Night voyages of dreams build confidence, happiness and a sense of well-being. We must enter the darkness to emerge into the light.

Together 6 Night/AKBAL moves us forward through action and dynamic developments as our pathways are illuminated by Akbal. A good day to go within for new inspiration and insight.

in lak'ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

5 Wind/IK

Greetings on this day of 5 (finding the center) Wind/IK (through the breath of creation)

Galactic Tone 5
At the center of the cube is 5, an intelligent, organizing force, which manages communications and materials, knowledge and application. Fives are natural networkers who gather what is needed. These persons can probe directly to the core of any situation making them excellent investigators.

Wind/IK refers both to spirit and the breath of life. It is often in need of grounding. It is a Northern (white) sign and so it has a certain quality of cool detachment. Wind embodies the ability to communicate and disseminate good thoughts and ideas. Wind persons may be very good speakers and they spread spiritual inspiration with the wind. Like the wind itself, these persons are extremely flexible.

Together, 5 Wind/IK draws us through breath to the center of all creation. A good day for communication and to love all that is.

Core Days on the Tzolkin Calendar
We are now passing through the central days on the sacred Tzolkin calendar - begun yesterday (Kin 121) and continuing thru Monday, May 11, 2009 (Kin 140, which is 10 Sun/AJAU) May 11, 2009.

Gathering of the Ancestors
"At the time of the 12 Baktun and 13 Ahau is the time of the return of our ancestors and the return of the men of wisdom." "That time is now." — Grandfather Alejandro Cirilo Oxlaj, President of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala and President of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas.

An historic gathering of the indigenous Elders is taking place in Sedona, AZ during this time, through April 28, 2009. Please send and receive the love and prayers emanating from this event. For further information, visit http://www.instituteforculturalawareness.com/

In Lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4 Crocodile/IMIX

Greetings on this day 4 (stability), Crocodile/IMIX (beginnings)

Galactic Tone 4
The most stable of all forms is the cube. Four is the establishment of volume by definition. The four directions give orientation to any form as the height, length, depth and breadth give shape to any form. The energy of 4 sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, a work or relationship.

The Crocodile is the initial day sign and often manifests in people as someone who initiates new projects. It is an Eastern energizing day sign that through very powerful instincts brings up new phenomena and creative ideas from the deep flow of the collective unconscious. Usually completing the projects that surface is, however, not the forte of the Crocodile/IMIX. For this reason, it is essential that they cooperate in order to have productive results. Crocodile persons usually also have a caring side with a strong nurturing of the cosmic being inside of them and protective energy. They care about their offspring and they may work hard to provide security for family and friends – though they should take care not to become overprotective and dominating. Their highest vibration point of the day goes from Sunrise to Mid-day.

Color: Red
Red represents the direction of the East, as the dawn of each new day, beginnings, rebirth, and new inspiration.

Together, the energy of 4 IMIX encourages us to further define our dreams and intentions to stabilize, and move it forward from a perspective of the new beginning.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

3 Sun/AJAU

3 Sun/AJAU

Galactice Tone 3
Action, movement, and communication… three energy is very eloquent in all types of self-expression, communication is how you establish a point of agreement from any Point A to any Point B. The basic movement being a vibration – three persons are rhythmic to the core. They are often restless, as motion is their nature. By woking closely with the energy of three, any person becomes more able to predict motion of all kinds.

Sun or light is the day song of completion and this will tend to have consequences for those that are born into it. They are often romantic enthusiasts visionaries with artistic abilities who are easily perceived as dreamers. It seems because they have been born into this spiritual sign of completion they find it difficult to understand that the world around them has not yet arrived at such a high state and instead is dominated by materialist or greedy motives. Thus, in confrontations with “real” life they will often be perceived as unrealistic. A series of disappointments may then lead the Sun to shun responsibility and not accept the necessary corrective measures. Nonetheless, Sun persons retain a natural spirituality that is the birthright of the last of the signs or day keepers. The challenge is to approach life realistically wi6hout compromising the great dreams that they have. Also they are enlightened persons that will carry the universal fire. They have the commitment in this life in being the candle that will illuminate the path for those who are behind them.

Mayan Prophecy for April 21, 2009
by Dr. Jose Jaramillo
April 21, 2009 marks the ending point of the rounds of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells. On the exact day of April 22, 2009 a new prophetic round of hope will be open for the whole humanity to start understanding the secrets behind each ancient story in how everything works in our beautiful Galaxy within our Solar system and our Mother Earth. Tomorrow, April 22, 2009, will be “4 IMIX” which means “4 Crocodile kin 121” will be the beginning of the 40 days and 40 nights round of preparation that will last only 80 days.

Here is the chart of 40 days and 40 nights:

First 20 days: Will start: April 22, 2009 Will End: May 11, 2009 10 Sun
Second 20 days: Will start May 12, 2009 Will End: May 31, 2009 4 Sun
First 20 nights: Will start June 1, 2009 Will End: June 20, 2009 11 Sun
Second 20 nights: Will start June 21, 2009 Will End: July 10, 2009 5 Sun

On the exact day of July 10, 2009 “5 AJAW” which means “5 Sun” it will start a period of redemption for 1,260 days until we reach the precise moment on December 21, 2012 which will be “4 AJAW” which means “4 Sun kin 160” in the sacred count of days.

After 1,260 days we all need to walk this Earth for another 60 days to complete the 1,320 days after the end of the Mayan Calendar on February 21, 2013, then it will be the return of the King. We need to remember that the natural frequency of the Mayan calendar is made of 13 numbers or tones and 20-day signs or nahuales, which is known as the 13:20.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

11 Eagle/MEN

Greetings on this day 11 (resolution), Eagle/MEN (ascend to a higher perspective)

Galactic Tone 11
Every new creation has to find its space in the universe. In the process of fitting in, some modifications must occur. These changes are the energy of eleven. Eleven is the energy of dynamic actions facilitating change, simplification and improvement.

Eagles are both powerful and ambitious and have high aspirations for their lives. There is a soaring energy about them and life may occur to them as a constant dream flight as symbolized by their abundance and fortune, because of their higher perspective and intelligence. In most Native American peoples the Eagle Clan was important and the Eagle was a messenger that brought with it hope and faith on the wings of Spirit. The eagle has a keen sense of detail and technical orientation. Also, Eagle persons are visionaries and like to create new opportunities in life. If the Eagle aspires for too much, and seeks to attain it because of its superior abilities, this may lead to a fall from the heights. Eagles love freedom so should be aware of the risks of escapism, since they may escape problems by looking at them from a soaring perspective. Their highest vibration point of the day goes from Sunset to Midnight.

Together, 11 Eagle/MEN supports us in discovering and facilitating the changes to our creation that are needed to fit into the bigger picture. Eagle/MEN provides a broader view – the higher perspective needed to see the bigger picture, yet also encourages us toward solutions and change that best liberate the whole. A good day to ascend to a higher perspective.

The Kin number of the day is similar to the Julian date on the Gregorian calendar. This is the 115 day of the 260 day Mayan year, and one of the 52 “portal days” for activation. Portal days are time cycle intersections that help facilitate the receptivity of cosmic knowledge. Within the grid of the Tzolk’in that uses the mathematics of 28, portal days connect us to the cycles of the moon through mathematics. This calendar “grid” resembles the strands of our DNA.

On portal days, we feel the effect of two powerful cycles at once. We find that cosmic remembrance is clearer and very activated on these days. We also find major events happen on portal days. This green day kin 115, concludes the first series of 10 green days that draw us forward toward the core of the Tzolkin calendar.

In lak'ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

9 Reed/BEN

Greetings on this day 9 (patience) Reed/BEN (guiding light for family and home)

Galactic Tone 9
The energy of 9 is about getting a better perspective of the big picture. With the energy of 9, plans or patterns begin to come to completion. Patience and perseverance found in the bigger picture are strong or there is great suffering for the lack thereof. A completion of cycles of action is all-important to nine.

Reed/BEN represents spiritual essence, protectors and guiding light for family and home. Reed/BEN persons are competent speakers who take up a cause. Very tough and analytical, they endeavor to bring peace, harmony and order to all of their relations. Reeds are very often put to the test. Although Reeds need a lot of appreciation. This day encourages us to consider flexibility in our views and frame our communications to make our point without hitting others over the head with it.

COLOR: Red (East)
You may also look at the aspects of any Day Keeper based on its color. Red represents the East, the direction of the rising Sun and the source of our inspiration. Red represents fire energy and also rebirth. Red provides a feeling of surprise or mystery when experienced by those with birth/destiny Day Keeper suns represented by the color Yellow; support and comfort for White Day Keeper signs, challenge/strength for Blue Day Keeper signs; and a feeling of affinity with other Red Day Keeper signs.

Together the energy of 9 Reed/BEN encourages us through patience and perseverance to bring further completion to our plans in view of the bigger picture, to bring peace and harmony to family, home and all our relations. A good day to bless and repair your home.

The Kin number of the day is similar to the Julian date on the Gregorian calendar. This is the 113 day of the 260 day Mayan year, and one of the 52 “portal days” for activation. Portal days are time cycle intersections that help facilitate the receptivity of cosmic knowledge. Within the grid of the Tzolk’in that uses the mathematics of 28, portal days connect us to the cycles of the moon through mathematics. This calendar “grid” resembles the strands of our DNA.

On portal days, we feel the effect of two powerful cycles at once. We find that cosmic remembrance is clearer and very activated on these days. We also find major events happen on portal days. This green day cycle accelerates as we are now entering the center of the 260-day Mayan year, with Green (portal days) occurring daily from kin day 106 through 115.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Monday, April 13, 2009

8 Road/EB

Greetings on the day 8 (justice) Road/EB (day of destiny)

Galactic Tone 8
Harmony and balance are the intent of Eight. Eights carefully weigh all evidence to reach a balance of justice. Eight is the power of organization demonstrated in the statement “As above, so below”. From simplicity to infinity, the energy of Eight organizes all levels of creation.

The bearer of time and the conductor of destiny, Road/EB opens the road and guides us to future groups, communities and individuals. Road encourages dedication and hard work - and thus leads us to success in business and our movement in the world. Road encourages us to be care takers of the poor, sick, or elderly - through personal sacrifices. Road/EB is sometimes referred to as the sign of Grass, which is the most bountiful of all life forms, though also the most humble.

Together the energy of 8 Road/EB encourages us to weigh all evidence to bring a balance of justice and success as our creation expands to serve others as well as ourselves… a good day to do some community service.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

7 Monkey/CHUEN

Greetings on this day 7 (reflective), Monkey/CHUEN (weaver of time)

Galactic Tone 7
Seven stands as a mirror to divide light and dark and to reflect all that is and is not. Seven is associated with the source of creation and the flow of divine will. With a keen sense of ethics, Seven establishes purpose to current and future goals. Seven is also associated by the Mayans with the sign of the Jaguar, which represents mystical or psychic awareness.

Monkey/CHUEN is known to the Maya as the Weaver or Weaver of Time. Monkey takes ideas as threads of vines and weaves them into the fabric of our reality. New patterns or inventions are also woven into our lives by Monkey. Amiable, intelligent, generous and a jack of all trades, Monkey's innocent curiosity leads to artistic expression and constructive solutions. Many monkeys become highly respected merchants or speakers. They love performing practical jokes and crave attention, so much so that they may over-act or play the fool to get the spotlight. Monkeys have a short attention span and find it difficult to stay with anything long enough to master it.

Together 7 Monkey/CHUEN introduces new awareness and offers creative ideas through personal reflection. Through the spirit of play, Monkey/CHUEN guides us to find new solutions and inventions. A good day to start anything new in your life.

The Kin number of the day is similar to the Julian date on the Gregorian calendar. This is the 111 day of the 260 day Mayan year, and one of the 52 “portal days” for activation. Portal days are time cycle intersections that help facilitate the receptivity of cosmic knowledge. Within the grid of the Tzolk’in that uses the mathematics of 28, portal days connect us to the cycles of the moon through mathematics. This calendar “grid” resembles the strands of our DNA.

On portal days, we feel the effect of two powerful cycles at once. We find that cosmic remembrance is clearer and very activated on these days. We also find major events happen on portal days. This green day cycle accelerates as we are now entering the center of the 260-day Mayan year, with Green (portal days) occurring daily from kin day 106 through 115.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

6 Dog/OC

Greetings on the day 6 (flow), Dog/OC (courageous, warm, and loyal)

Galactic Tone 6
The movement of volume through space creating time – 6 is the energy of negotiation and responsiveness. Think on the art of dance or the play of a great athlete to see this energy in action. Six energy facilitates dynamic developments and improvements in all aspects of life.

Courageous, loyal and warm hearted, very alert and valiant, people born of Dog/OC are respected for their sense of justice and their protection. People born of the sun sign Dog are very sensual and know how to enjoy life. Playfulness and a good understanding of the basic human nature lead to prosperity for Dog. Dogs are good team players who love to travel and have a keep sense of their position in society. Dogs are ambitious and will take opportunities when they offer themselves, including infidelities. Dog persons share the nature of coyotes, spies, wolves and lawyers.

Together 6 Dog/OC encourages dynamic developments and improvements, based on a good understanding of human nature and team play. A good day to enjoy family and friends.

The Kin number of the day is similar to the Julian date on the Gregorian calendar. This is the 110 day of the 260 day Mayan year, and one of the 52 “portal days” for activation. Portal days are time cycle intersections that help facilitate the receptivity of cosmic knowledge. Within the grid of the Tzolk’in that uses the mathematics of 28, portal days connect us to the cycles of the moon through mathematics. This calendar “grid” resembles the strands of our DNA.

On portal days, we feel the effect of two powerful cycles at once. We find that cosmic remembrance is clearer and very activated on these days. We also find major events happen on portal days. This green day cycle accelerates as we are now entering the center of the 260-day Mayan year, with Green (portal days) occurring daily from kin day 106 through 115.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Friday, April 10, 2009

5 Offering/MULUC

Greetings on this day 5 (empowerment), Offering/MULUC (moon/emotion)

Galactic Tone 5
At the center of the cube is 5, an intelligent, organizing force, which manages communications and materials, knowledge and application. Fives are natural networkers who gather what is needed. These persons can probe directly to the core of any situation making them excellent investigators.

This sign is associated with the Moon, emotions, and water. Ceremonially, the Mayans used water in baptisms and purifications. Muluc lives by reason or the mind. It can be quite a mental Sun. As a Red Day Keeper, it is associated with the East – and related to initiations, inspiration and birth. Muluc is ruled by the root chakra and as a water Sun, makes it a very emotional, imaginative and even psychic influence. Muluc can be romantic and fantasy prone. It tends to be dominating by the projection of strong feelings. Muluc is ruled by Mercury. Muluc is challenged to control the self and take responsibility for what is has started. Being consistent, persistent and intelligently responsive are good qualities to work with on Muluc days.

Together 5 Offering/MULUC guide us to be open to inspiration, apply what we have learned, and give thanks for all of creation.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

3 Deer/MANIK

Greetings on this day 3 (action), Deer/MANIK (spirit tools)

Galactic Tone 3
3 represents movement and communication. 3 energy is very eloquent in all types of self-expression. Communication is how you establish a point of agreement between any point “A” and any point “B”. The basic movement is a vibration. Working closely with the energy of 3, any person becomes more able to predict motion of all kinds.

Deer are spirits tool. Silence itself is a spiritual experience for Deer. For Deer life is a pilgrimage. Deer are dominant persons who defend the people and will make sacrifices for others. The spirit of Deer upholds the pillars of the four directions. With the power inherent in the number four, Deer pushes away bad influences or negative energies. Skill and quality of work are very important to Deer. They are presented with tools for every task in life and it is with these that they are able to rise above limitations. Deer has a habit of keeping every tool it has ever used. This leads to clutter and indecision, loss and procrastination. When confronted with promises not kept, Deer becomes stubborn, manipulative and evasive.

Together, 3 Deer/MANIK encourages us to take action on our intentions – determining the way to proceed from Point A to Point B and guides us to service of others.

The Kin number of the day is similar to the Julian date on the Gregorian calendar. This is the 107 day of the 260 day Mayan year, and one of the 52 “portal days” for activation. Portal days are time cycle intersections that help facilitate the receptivity of cosmic knowledge. Within the grid of the Tzolk’in that uses the mathematics of 28, portal days connect us to the cycles of the moon through mathematics. This calendar “grid” resembles the strands of our DNA.

On portal days, we feel the effect of two powerful cycles at once. We find that cosmic remembrance is clearer and very activated on these days. We also find major events happen on portal days. This green day cycle accelerates as we are now entering the center of the 260-day Mayan year, with Green (portal days) occurring daily from kin day 106 through 115.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

2 Transformer/CIMI

Greetings on this day of 2 (duality), Transformer/CIMI (changing consciousness; life, death, rebirth)

Galactic Tone 2
Mysterious as the question "to be or not to be," 2 brings the recognition of the separation of self from all else and the desire to be rejoined. Walking in balance while making all kinds of choices - light/dark, male/female, good/bad, ying/yan... is the energy of this number. Experiencing the differences between one and another is the use and purpose of this number's energy.

Transformer/CIMI is the Day Keeper associated with life, death, and rebirth. Death was in the ancient sources considered as the luckiest of days. Those born under the Destiny of CIMI are often very successful in business, and may also be excellent healers who may calmly guide others through their transformation of life, because of their own spiritual strength. They support pregnant women and guide them through the lasting transformations at key period of their lives. Among the Maya, life was generated by death and the contact with ancestors served to activate inherent psychic abilities. Their challenge in life is to live it fully and not give in to defeatism. Usually Death persons have the mission to walk the path of their spiritual ancestors and bring their messages among the living people of this planet and share it with everyone. They have the need to transcend death and to be a World-Bridger between heaven and earth.

The combination of 2 Transformer/CIMI calls us to turn our dreams and intentions both ways to consider all that it is or could be, and all that it is not. The breath of inspiration becomes matter as we further define what our creation is meant to be. The Transformer encourages us to draw upon the ancient wisdom of the Elders.

The Kin number of the day is similar to the Julian date on the Gregorian calendar. This is the 106 day of the 260 day Mayan year, and one of the 52 “portal days” for activation. Portal days are time cycle intersections that help facilitate the receptivity of cosmic knowledge. Within the grid of the Tzolk’in that uses the mathematics of 28, portal days connect us to the cycles of the moon through mathematics. This calendar “grid” resembles the strands of our DNA.

On portal days, we feel the effect of two powerful cycles at once. We find that cosmic remembrance is clearer and very activated on these days. We also find major events happen on portal days. This green day cycle accelerates as we are now entering the middle of the 260-day Mayan year, with Green (portal days) occuring daily over the next 10 days.

A good day to be open to new information and awareness and to tie up loose ends related to your goals and intentions.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Monday, April 6, 2009

1 Serpent/CHICCHAN

Greetings on this day 1 (intentions, unity), Serpent/CHICCHAN (movement and the creation of time)

Galactic Tone 1
The beginning of all things - the first, the whole, the ALL of one. The energies of one gives a good push to whatever project one is associated with. One gives the energy of meeting new challenges. One does not give the finishing touches, but sets new intentions along the path of sacred creation, allowing manifestation of the whole to fall in place in it's own time (on the 10 day of manifestation).

Sensual and dramatic, this Day Keeper Sun embodies intense instinctual wisdom and creates a connection from Earth bound, to Heavenly aspirations, through movement and the creation of time. Serpent opens our hearts and expands us toward service to others. Just as serpents are adaptable and fluid, we are encouraged to approach this day with those attitudes in mind.

Together, 1 Serpent/CHICCHAN is the start of what will be a powerful week on the Mayan Calendar. This is an important time to set goals and intentions, and especially those related to Spiritual growth.

Approaching Green Days & Core Days on the Mayan Calendar
As we are approaching the central days of the 260 Tzolkin year, tomorrow we begin 10 consecutive days of Green Kin activation. The Suns of this Galactic Week are geared to reawaken old memories about who we really are that will help us proceed forward toward our Spiritual Evolution.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

13 Seed/KAN

Greetings on this day 13 (ascension), Seed/KAN (dynamic activity and reconnection; the magic of germination)

Galactic Tone 13
13 assists us to go the next higher step, propelling us to try something new, or to try again. 13 takes us over the next highest mountain, just to see what is there. 13 carries the last success to the next higher effort.

Sensuality is characteristic of this day-sign, which is also sometimes translated as Net or Lizard. All of these connotations contribute to its meaning. It is a Southern sign and this sun-exposed character contributes to both its sensuality and somewhat leisurely style. The Seed was considered to be the sign that controlled the sexual force of the body. As natural networkers, Seeds strive to liberate themselves and others from oppressive patterns of the past and it is with this intention that Seed may plant the new seeds, or is one him/herself. To create true prosperity the seed persons must learn to appreciate all the gifts that it receives and conduct profound investigations into itself. Seed persons target flowering and awareness. Their highest vibration point of the day goes from Mid-day to Sunrise.

Together 13 Seed/KAN move us toward new creation at the next highest level. And, Seed/KAN holds the magic of all creation. A time to be grateful for all that is and can be with investigations of the “I AM” and the connection to others.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

12 Night/AKBAL

Greetings on this day 12 (understanding), Night/AKBAL (bringer of the dawn)

Galactic Tone 12
The energy of number 12 offers a gift of great capability of retrospection. It is this ability that allows 12 to connect disassociated parts into a new functioning whole. The energy of 12 is that which presents a new piece of understood information or accumulated experience to be applied.

The Day Keeper Night/AKBAL is the bringer of the dawn. AKBAL brings illumination to the road of life, dispelling insecurities and doubts born of darkness and the subconscious mind. Night/AKBAL carries us through the darkness - the womb of creation - to bring forth new solutions and artistic impression. Night voyages of dreams build confidence, happiness and a sense of well-being. We must enter the darkness to emerge into the light.

Together 12 Night/AKBAL allows us to the see the vision of what we have created in the light of understanding.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Friday, April 3, 2009

11 Wind/IK

Greetings on this day 11 (resolution), Wind/IK (communications, breath of creation)

Galactic Tone 11
Every new creation has to find its space in the universe. In this process of “fitting in,” some modifications must occur. These changes are the energy of eleven – dynamic actions that facilitate change, simplification and improvement.

Wind/IK refers both to spirit and the breath of life. It is often in need of grounding. It is a Northern (white) sign and so it has a certain quality of cool detachment. Wind embodies the ability to communicate and disseminate good thoughts and ideas. Wind persons may be very good speakers and they spread spiritual inspiration with the wind. Like the wind itself, these persons are extremely flexible.

Together, 11 Wind/IK helps us to discover improvements and dynamic changes that will help to support our goals and intentions, with communication as a key element to finding new solutions and inspiration.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

10 Crocodile/IMIX

Greetings on this day 10 (manifestation), Crocodile/IMIX (beginning of all things)

Galactic Tone 10
What were once intentions or ideas, hopes or fears become physically present with the energy of ten. This is the energy when what had attention and intention focused upon it, becomes real. This is a very powerful energy that carries a great responsibility.

The Crocodile is the initial day sign and often manifests in people as someone who initiates new projects. It is an Eastern energizing day sign that through very powerful instincts brings up new phenomena and crative ideas from the dep flow of the collective unconscious. Usally completeting the projects that surface is, however, not the forte of the Crocodile/IMIX. For this reason, it is essential that they cooperate in order to have productive results. Crocodile persons usually also have a caring side with a strong nurting of the cosmic being inside of them and protective energy. They care about their offspring and they may work hard to provide security for family and friends – though they should take care not to become overprotective and dominating. Their highest vibration point of the day goes from Sunrise to Mid-day.

Color: Red
Red represents the direction of the East, as the dawn of each new day, beginnings, rebirth, and new inspiration.

Light Day
There are cycles within the Mayan calendar that include an oscillation between “light” and “dark” periods of creation. A “light” period generally presents some new awareness – as a light being turned on. A “dark” period of creation is a time of rest and reflection, or a time to apply what is now known.

Together, 10 Crocodile/IMIX, influence us to hold fast to our dreams and intentions – understanding that under the energy of 10 – what we focus upon, is likely to be manifested (the responsibility of personal focus). Crocodile/IMIX encourages us to also stay open to new information or inspiration, and to seek to be in cooperation with others that will be required to bring new ideas to completion. A good day to be open to new beginnings.

in lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

9 Sun/AHAU

Greetings on this day 9 (patience), Sun/AHAU (dedication to oneness, connectedness to the ancestors)

Galactic Tone 9
The energy of 9 is about getting a better perspective of the big picture. With the energy of 9, plans or patterns begin to come to completion. Patience and perserverance found in the bigger picture are strong or there is great suffering for the lack thereof. A completion of cycles of action is all-important to nine.

Sun or light is the day song of completion and this will tend to have consequences for those that are born into it. They are often romantic enthusiastic visionaries with artistic abilities – and easily perceived as dreamers. It seems because they have been born into this spiritual sign of completion, they find it diffucult to understand tha the world around them has not yet arrived at such a high state and instead is dominated by materialistic or greedy motives. Thus, in confrontations with “real” life, they will often be perceived as unrealistic. A series of disappointments may then lead the Sun to shun responsibility an not accept the necessary correctie measures. Nonetheless, Sun persons will retain a natural spirituality that is the birthright of the last of the Day Keeper signs. The challenge is to approach life realistically without compromising the great dreams that they have. Also, they are enlightened persons that will carry the universal fire. They have the commitment in this life in bewing the candle that will illuminate the path for those who are behind them.

Color: Yellow
Yellow represents the direction of the South, a direction of fulfillment or coming to fruit. South also represents the body and the earth – open, warm, friendly and full of feeling. Red signs may experience Yellow days with mystery or surprise, White – as challenge or strengthening, and Blue/Black – as a day of support and comfort.

Dark Day
A dark period is not some evil period, but a time of rest to reflect on what has been learned or to apply what is now known.

Together 8 and Sun/AHAU guide us to look at the big picture and hold fast to our dreams, as we continue to persevere – living in the material world. Our highest good is found in holding the light for those that follow.

in lak'ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

8 Storm/CAUAC

Greetings on this day of 8 (justice), Storm/CAUAC (the Thunder being)

Galactic Tone 8
Harmony and balance are the intent of Eight. Eights carefuly weigh all evidence to reach a balance of justice. Eight is the power of organization demonstrated in the statement "as above, so below." From simplicy to infinity, the energy of Eight oganizes all levels of creation.

Day Keeper Storm / CAUAC supports lightening quick transformations and rebirth. Open your heart to the quickening of transformation from the Day Keeper Storm/CAUAC. Storm initiates us with a water blessing... the blessings of rain. Water and moon are associated with the feminine aspects of nature and spirit. It is a catalyst for revelation as it tears through the veil to further illuminate what is real. Storm brings quikening through thunder and lightening, and reminds us of the ecstasy of freedom. Cauac's activation is impossible to avoid. Storm encourages us forward to novel experiences.

Combined with Eight, this Day Sign suggests a day of inspiration upon which to determine the balance of energies that guide us to that next higher step in our transformation.

Color: Blue/Black
This color represents the direction of the West, which offers transformation and changes, such as the changes we see from day to dusk - night to dawn.

Light Day
As a "light day" the energies of today provide a foundation for new awareness and insight.

in lak'ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Monday, March 30, 2009

7 Flint(Mirror)/ETZNAB

Greetings on this day of 7 (reflection), Flint/ETZNAB (mirror of reality; reflection and introspection)

Galactic Tone 7
Seven stands as a mirror to divide light and dark and to reflect all that is and is not. Seven is associated with the source of creation and the flow of divine will. With a keen sense of ethics, Seven establishes purpose to current and future goals. Seven is also associated by the Mayans with the sign of the Jaguar, which represents mystical or psychic awareness.

Flint (Mirror)/ETZNAB
Mirror of reality - as a struck flint, these persons are the divine sparks of intelligence. Flint's innate abilities are used to discriminate emotions from fact. Flint persons stand tireless to protect, defend, or cure others by personal sacrifice. By courageously wielding the sword of truth, falsehoods are cut away. Flints, it was said, can receive information on inter-personal troubles or the evil plots of others by reflecting in an obsidian mirror. Their valiant service as warriors of the truth must be impeccable or they will experience suffering of accidents, misunderstandings, and gossip.

Color: White
White represents the direction of the North and the accumulation of knowledge. White and the North are related to air and mind - thoughts and ideas - wisdom as knowledge with the emotions distilled from it, rather cold, apart and analytical.

Dark Day
A dark period is not some evil period, but a time of rest to reflect on what has been learned or to apply what is now known.

Together, 7 and Flint/ETZNAB encourage us to reflect upon our experience to determine the facts of any matter, apart from any emotion that may be associated with it. Impeccable intentions serve as a foundation for keen insight and right action.

In lak’ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

6 Earth/CABAN

Greetings on the day of 6 (flow, Earth/CABAN (natural forces and dynamic forces of earth)

Galactic Tone 6
The movement of volume through space creating time – 6 is the energy of negotiation and responsiveness. Think on the art of dance or the play of a great athlete to see this energy in action. Six energy facilitates dynamic developments and improvements in all aspects of life.

Keeper of the garden of Earth. Profound synchronistic connections to Earth’s natural cycles and energies provide powers of creations and memories of ancient wisdom. Earth persons help dispel bad intentions, habits and ideas. This makes them very good counselors and masters of all arts. Studious and intelligent, Earth persons endeavor to bring a flow of natural order to all aspects of life. Being connected to the dynamic forces of nature, Earth persons need much liberty to facilitate their expression of migration or the sending of long distance communications such as whales, elephants, birds and many other creatures. Sometimes Earth’s delicate sensitivities are upset resulting in quakes of emotion even the display of volcanic temper.

Color: Red
Red represents the direction of the East, as the dawn of each new day, beginnings or birth.

Light Day
There are cycles within the Mayan calendar that include an oscillation between “light” and “dark” periods of creation. A “light” period generally presents some new awareness – as a light being turned on. A “dark” period of creation is a time of rest and reflection, or a time to apply what is now known.

Together, 6 and Earth/CABAN support forward movement, negotiation, and dynamic change to bring a natural order and flow. A good day to thank Mother Nature for all her gifts.

in lak'ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

5 Wisdom/CIB

Greetings on this day of 5 (empowerment), Wisdom/CIB (intuitive connection to the ancients)

Galactic Tone 5
At the center of the cube is 5, an intelligent, organizing force, which manages communications and materials, knowledge and application. Fives are natural networkers who gather what is needed. These persons can probe directly to the core of any situation making them excellent investigators.

Wisdom/CIB (also known as the Owl) represents the old ones and the wisdom of the ancients. Wisdom persons are aligned with the ancient memories that wait in the stone of temples and sacred sites all over the world. Wisdom people grow luck like a crop using a balance of prudence and tenacity. The tremendous inner strength of this sign enables silent introspection to discover areas of one’s self that contain wisdom more valuable than any trove of archeological treasures. Wisdom persons are valiant defenders of family and community. They may become hardened to life and sentiment turned cold. In these cases, they need much forgiveness for their uncaring errors. Periodically connecting with nature and or visiting sacred sites will bring great stability to Wisdom persons.

Color: Yellow
Yellow represents the direction of the South, a direction of fulfillment or coming to fruit. South also represents the body and the earth – open, warm, friendly and full of feeling. Red signs may experience Yellow days with mystery or surprise, White – as challenge or strengthening, and Blue/Black – as a day of support and comfort.

Dark Day
A dark period is not some evil period, but a time of rest to reflect on what has been learned or to apply what is now known.

Together, the energies of this day encourage us to seek established wisdom for direction, and to honor the earth and the ancient ones… to gather what is needed to continue to move forward.

Friday, March 27, 2009

4 Eagle/MEN

Greetings on this day 4 (stability), Eagle/MEN (higher perspective)

Galactic Tone 4
The most stable of all forms is the cube. Four is the establishment of volume by definition. The four directions give orientation to any form as the height, length, depth and breadth give shape to any form. The energy of 4 sets the parameters which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, a work or relationship.

Intermediary between Heaven and Earth. Due to the Eagle's superior point of view and keen intelligence, they achieve material abundance and good fortune. A messenger gifted with patience and a deep sense of value, Eagle brings hope and trust on the wings of spirit. Eagle persons are very detail oriented and technically inclined. Compassionate service to others sustains prosperity for Eagle persons as the flapping of wings would sustain his bird brothers. If eagle becomes viciously competitive or possessive, greed and jealousy cause a fall from the heights. Eagles, being blessed with the freedom of movement, should be aware of escapism. Eagles may be tempted to just fly away from troubles by using indulgences.

Color: Black/Blue (West)
Eagle/MEN is represented by the color black (or blue) and corresponds to the direction of the West. The West brings transformation and changes, just as the changes we see from day to dusk or from night to dawn.

Light Day
There are cycles within the Mayan calendar that include an oscillation between “light” and “dark” periods of creation. A “light” period generally presents some new awareness – as a light being turned on. A “dark” period of creation is a time of rest and reflection, or a time to apply what is now known.

The combination of 4 and Eagle/MEN encourages us to ascend to a higher perspective, and stabilize our intention by defining its form and parameters. A “light” day indicates a day when we may receive new information upon which to support this process – and the direction of the West suggests that through this process our dream/intention/creation may be transformed or changed.

We are encouraged toward compassionate service to others and to be open to new information.

On the day of 1 - the day of new beginnings and intentions, the dream I brought forward on 1 Road/EB, was my desire to transform my work into something that reflects my spiritual path - whether through art, writing, teaching or the new application of exiting business skills... and to expand my circle of loving partners to support this forward movement.

Though the process of following the Galactic Week seems like a natural flow that is carrying me forward, I am still amazed at the acceleration of progress I have made by simply being conscious of the best way to proceed on a daily basis. This has become the "magic" of the Mayan Calendar for me - the clear evidence of progress that happens so effortlessly, and the serendipitous events that seem to occur when my attention is drawn into this natural flow.

What are you creating? If you didn't consciously set forth your dreams and intentions on Tuesday, 1 Road/EB (Tuesday, March 24), can you remember what hopes and dreams may have been on your mind? Be open to new information today that may help you more fully define your dreams - your desired creation, and consider how those dreams may be transformed or changed to their highest potential.

We are each given a new process each day that brings the highest potential for moving our dreams forward... a time for each purpose. During days 1-4, I have experienced the energy of "germination" - the time of "not knowing" - that in itself should be recognized as a sacred process. Just as a new planting makes it's first appearance above the soil, we may feel the vulnerability as a new sprout that must be attended to in order to thrive. On days 5-9, we ride the crest of a wave of energy, where we are most productive in moving forward. The day of 10 brings the energy of manifestation... a day by which I have been generally presented with clear evidence of how my dream is unfolding. Days 11-13 have led me to integrate my new changes and progress, and to ascend to the next higher step for my intention, and the next opportunity to begin again.

in lak'ech
Debra Mamos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

3 Jaguar/IX

Greetings on the day of 3 (action), Jaguar/IX (Earth magic, protector, and energy of the Shaman)

Galactic Tone 3
3 represents movement and communication. 3 energy is very eloquent in all types of self-expression. Communication is how you establish a point of agreement between any point “A” and any point “B”. The basic movement is a vibration. Working closely with the energy of 3, any person becomes more able to predict motion of all kinds.

Born with a deep love of Mother Earth, Jaguar or shaman, is directly tied to the source of all Earth magic. They possess great power of intellect and strength of character through integrity. Jaguar energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of jungles, plains and mountains. The spirit of Jaguar inhabits the Mayan temples and is called on to assist in spiritual as well as materials ways. Jaguar is also the god/goddess of gratefulness. Patience born of strength and skill can turn to pounce of quick decision and action. Both bold and stealthful, Jaguars do not often attack directly and communications from them usually contain some mystery. In absence of integrity, Jaguars power corrupts becoming the search for wealth and fame.

Color: White
Jaguar is represented by the color white - the direction of the North - and, activity of the air (communication, breath, speech) and mind (thought, perspective, analysis). The North is the direction of wisdom and accumulation of knowledge, which prepares us for the next higher step, encouraging us forward to begin again.

Together, Galactic Tone 3 encourages us to take action, with Jaguar/IX offering the insight, intellect, and strength of character upon which we are empowered to take action quickly. This is a good day to consider the best way to move forward and to transform intentions through our action... a good day to be grateful for all of life's lessons.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2 Reed/BEN

Greetings on this day of 2, duality, Reed/BEN, guiding light for family and home.

Galactic Tone 2
Mysterious as the question "to be or not to be," 2 brings the recognition of the separation of self from all else and the desire to be rejoined. Walking in balance while making all kinds of choices - light/dark, male/female, good/bad, ying/yan... is the energy of this number. Experiencing the differences between one and another is the use and purpose of this number's energy.

Reed/BEN represents spiritual essence, protectors and guiding light for family and home. Reed/BEN persons are competent speakers who take up a cause. Very tough and analytical, they endeavor to bring peace, harmony and order to all of their relations. Reeds are very often put to the test. Although Reeds need a lot of appreciation. This day encourages us to consider flexibility in our views and frame our communications to make our point without hitting others over the head with it.

COLOR: Red (East)
You may also look at the aspects of any Day Keeper based on its color. Red represents the East, the direction of the rising Sun and the source of our inspiration. Red represents fire energy and also rebirth. Red provides a feeling of surprise or mystery when experienced by those with birth/destiny Day Keeper suns represented by the color Yellow; support and comfort for White Day Keeper signs, challenge/strength for Blue Day Keeper signs; and a feeling of affinity with other Red Day Keeper signs.

The Kin number of the day is similar to the Julian date on the Gregorian calendar. This is the 93 day of the 260 day Mayan year, and one of the 52 “portal days” for activation.

Portal days are time cycle intersections that help facilitate the receptivity of cosmic knowledge. Within the grid of the Tzolk’in that uses the mathematics of 28, portal days connect us to the cycles of the moon through mathematics. This calendar “grid” resembles the strands of our DNA.

On portal days, we feel the effect of two powerful cycles at once. We find that cosmic remembrance is clearer and very activated on these days. We also find major events happen on portal days. This green day cycle accelerates as we are approaching the middle of the 260-day Mayan year. The next Green Day activation occurs on Saturday, March 28 (5 Wisdom/CIB).

Together, 2 and Reed/BEN lead us to view our intention from the perspective of duality - to view it from both sides, and to communicate our truth with flexibility and understanding. Factoring in the Green Day activation, there is a portal for deeper self awareness, and significant events.

in lak'ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

1 Road/EB

Greetings on this day of One, the beginning of all things, Road/EB, the bearer of time and conductor of destiny.

Galactic Tone 1
The beginning of all things - the first, the whole, the ALL of one. The energies of one gives a good push to whatever project one is associated with. One gives the energy of meeting new challenges. One does not give the finishing touches, but sets new intentions along the path of sacred creation, allowing manifestation of the whole to fall in place in it's own time (on the 10 day of manifestation).

The bearer of time and the conductor of destiny, Road/EB opens the road and guides us to future groups, communities and individuals. Road encourages dedication and hard work - and thus leads us to success in business and our movement in the world. Road encourages us to be care takers of the poor, sick, or elderly - through personal sacrifices. Road/EB is sometimes referred to as the sign of Grass, which is the most bountiful of all life forms, though also the most humble.

Together, 1 and Road/EB provide guidance to set new or renewed intentions that reach beyond our own needs to support the needs of others in our lives.


I feel a “magic” in following the Tzolkin calendar each day that recalls a oneness with all and a direction and energy that seems to flow easily toward the manifestation of my dreams and intentions. When I review my experiences through this past 13-day Galactic Week, each day progressed forward in a natural flow toward a new creation and new awareness.

Under the “Week” Keeper of 1 Storm/CAUAC, one is the beginning of all things, and Storm brings the lightening of inspiration, winds of change, and the blessing of rain – recognized by the Native Americans as descending light. Under the first day of the week’s Day Keeper of 1 Storm/CAUAC, I set intentions to open my heart to love and my life to the support I desired that would serve to encourage me toward my dreams.

On weekday/tone 1, I drove to the top of Mt. Lemmon to plant my intentions in sacred ceremony under the light of the full moon. I had barely had time to smudge, when a woman pulled into my lookout point, who had come there to photograph Spirit orbs. After some friendly conversation I learned she was a teacher helping women step into the power of their Spirit path. She gifted me with a beautiful beaded pendulum, and I exchanged a handmade medicine bag. I had planned to bury something on the mountaintop under the rising moon, and instead ended up heading for home directly after our conversation. It seemed that I had been distracted from the ceremony I’d planned for the purpose of calling the intention for love and support – and an end to my walk alone.

It wasn’t until hours later that I realized the real ceremony HAD taken place as the exchange of gifts and honoring of friendship, caring, and support.

Each morning throughout the week, I greeted the morning Suns with gratitude for the blessing of a new day, and a pathway that guided me through a flow of energy toward the natural manifestation of my intentions and heartfelt dream. Just as the world was created in 7 days and 6 nights, the 13 Galactic Tone pulse energies are meant to encourage us along the sacred flow of creation.

I was drawn to the Mayan teachings after years of following the Native American path – in knowledge of my Cherokee ancestors. It was interesting to learn that the Cherokee were among the indigenous tribes that followed the sacred Tzolkin calendar. Though the stories these ancestors would have wanted to share were excluded from the tales of my family history, they are still recorded in my DNA and a part of my Spirit’s memory. Each of us has roots that ultimately reach back to our indigenous beginnings, and the events of every religion and major world event are recorded within the codex of the Mayan Calendar.

In lak’ech – we are all one and the same – and the composite of all time. We are all experiencing the different parts and reflections of the same “one thing.” We can step into the shoes of any other – and we do – whenever we serve one another as our selves. Each of us has something unique to give. Whenever we give in accordance with the need or pleasure of the other, we are giving to ourselves the joy of walking in our own greatest abundance… honoring the greatest of all gifts we are capable to give to the other.

Through the 13 days, my experiences and natural tendencies followed each day’s energy, with or without the immediate consciousness of it – reviewing my days each evening allowed me to honor the loving energy that seemed to be encouraging me on toward my dreams.

On the day of 10 Star/LAMAT – the Spring Equinox, March 20, 2009 – under the 10 of manifestation, and Star/LAMAT of the energy of abundant creation – I shared in celebration with a host of new friends at a Mayan gathering in Colorado. I was sleeping on top of a mountain in the Rockies at the home of loving new friends in their lovely mountaintop paradise. I shared lessons and the experiences of the weekend with my dearest and best friend, who was there with loving and warm support as I released my deepest sorrow.

As my week concluded, I realized that my dreams were manifesting in Truth, and in the highest way to fulfill my own deepest needs. I shared the loving warmth of true friends as I celebrated the Spring Equinox. I returned home to find a gift of support in my mailbox, from another friend who desired to ease the cost of my trip. I experienced the magical moments that my heart longed for under the light of the Equinox sun, and returned with new inspiration and clearer awareness of where my dreams may further lead me.

I believe the Sun was born of the Creator and placed in the sky to remind us of the existence of the light of love that always shines upon the world of humanly struggles. If our Creator wanted to communicate to us each directly, is it so far-fetched to believe that the Source of God’s connection would inescapable as the brightest star in the sky?

As I begin the new week under 1 Road/EB, I start with a new and extended loving network of friends, each on their own special path, yet eternally connected through the heart. Once again, I will raise my newborn dreams and intentions to the light and follow the flow toward the manifestation of my dearest intentions.

As I began the past Galactic Week on top of Mt. Lemmon, meeting a woman who photographed orbs of light, I came home from my Colorado adventure with photos of the Equinox sunrise and sunset, which included mysterious red orbs of light… and, believing more than ever in the daily magic of life.

in lak'ech
Debra Malmos/Jaguar Woman (9-Eagle)

Monday, March 23, 2009

13 Monkey/Chuen

Greetings on this day of 13 (Ascension), Monkey/CHUEN (Weaver of Time)

Galactic Tone 13
13 assists us to go to the next higher step, propels us to try something new or to try again. Thirteen energy takes us over the next mountain just to see what is there and carries the last success to the newest effort.

Monkey/CHUEN is known to the Maya as the Weaver or Weaver of Time. Monkey takes ideas as threads of vines and weaves them into the fabric of our reality. New patterns or inventions are also woven into our lives by Monkey. Amiable, intelligent, generous and a jack of all trades, Monkey's innocent curiosity leads to artistic expression and constructive solutions. Many monkeys become highly respected merchants or speakers. They love performing practical jokes and crave attention, so much so that they may over-act or play the fool to get the spotlight. Monkeys have a short attention span and find it difficult tostay with anything long enough to master it.

Together, 13 Monkey/CHUEN brings completion or greater insight to intentions that were put forth as we begun this Galactic Week under the sign of the Storm/CAUAC, 13 days ago, and help us to clarify and refine new intentions and directions as we will begin the new Galactic Week’s cycle tomorrow. Today is a good day to begin anything new in life.

2009 Spring Equinox Celebration
It was my pleasure to join with fellow Mayan Day Keepers to celebrate the 2009 Spring Equinox in Colorado. Our teacher, Jose Jaramillo, led us in Sacred Fire Ceremony in the tradition of the Maya as passed down by his teacher, Don Alejandro - leader of the Mayan Council in Guatemala. Mayan Day Keepers around the globe joined in the spirit of lak'ech to celebrate this equinox, as well as welcoming in the Mayan New Year - March 21, 2009. Jaramillo's teaching at this event included a showing of his documentary film, Between 2 Worlds, which provides a foundation for greater understanding of the "time of nature" versus the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar was put forward by man for the primary interest of controlling commerce, and this documentary reveals how it has influenced our materialistic views of life that have separated us from our true Source of spiritual evolution. To learn more about Jose Jaramillo, and to learn more about this documentary, visit http://www.inbetween2worlds.com/.

The new year offers us a special opportunity to put forth our intentions for the Mayan New Year!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

8 Transformer/CIMI

Greetings on this day of 8 (Balance/Justice), Transformer/CIMI (Transformer)

Galactic Tone 8
Harmony and balance is the intent of 8, encouraging us to carefully weigh all evidence to reach a balance of justice. The power of 8 is organization demonstrated in the statement, “as above, so below.” From the simplicity to infinity, the energy of eight organizes all levels of creation.

Transformer/CIMI is the Day Keeper associated with life, death, and rebirth. Death was in the ancient sources considered as the luckiest of days. Those born under the Destiny of CIMI are often very successful in business, and may also be excellent healers who may calmly guide others through their transformation of life, because of their own spiritual strength. They support pregnant women and guide them through the lasting transformations at key period of their lives. Among the Maya, life was generated by death and the contact with ancestors serfed to activate inherent psychic abilities. Their challenge in life is to live it fully and not give in to defeatism. Usually Death persons have the mission to walk the path of their spiritual ancestors aned bring their messages among the living people of this planet and share it with everyone. They have the need to transcend death and to be a World-Bridger between heaven and earth.

The combination of 8 Transformer/CIMI calls us to find the harmonious balance and integrate for transformation and rebirth in accordance to what we have learned through careful consideration – the “as above, so below.” The Transformer encourages us to draw upon the ancient wisdom of the Elders to find the harmony, balance, and justice of 8 for our rebirth and transformation.

Love is ENERGY - Pass it forward!

The Journey - Conversations With God

Love in a Recipe - Mom's Chocolate Sheet Cake

One of the things I love about my Mom, is that everyone who enters the door is offered something wonderful from her kitchen - this is my favorite thing. This is seriously one of the best recipes in my entire collection - the fastest and BEST chocolate cake you will ever lay hands on. You just can't screw this up!

Mom's Chocolate Sheet Cake

The Cake...
2 Cups Flour
2 Cups Sugar
1 Stick Butter
5 Tablespoons Hershey's Cocoa
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1 Cup Water
1 Teaspoon Soda
1/2 Cup Buttermilk
2 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 Cup Oil

First - preheat the oven to 400 degrees (that is not a typo).
Get a big sauce pan, you are going to mix the batter in there. Melt the butter with the oil, water, and cocoa and bring to a boil. Take off the stove immediately, and add all the dry ingredients, EXCEPT THE SODA. Dissolve the soda in the 1/2 Cup of Buttermilk, then add this, the eggs, and vanilla and mix till smooth. Pour batter into a sheet cake pan - those big pans that are a little deeper than a cookie sheet. (I line mine with parchment paper, or grease and dust it with flour.) Bake for 20 minutes ONLY, or until it springs back.

The frosting...
You are going to use the same saucepan, so rinse and start over for the frosting. This doesn't take long, and you pour it over the cake while it is still hot - only 5 minutes out of the oven... so I usually start this about 5 minutes BEFORE the cake is done.

1 Stick Butter
5 Tablespoons Hershey's Cocoa
1/3 Cup Buttermilk
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1 Box (2 1/2 Cups) Powdered Sugar
1/2 Cup chopped pecans (optional)

Melt the butter with the cocoa til well dissolved. Add the buttermilk and vanilla - mix. Add the powdered sugar and keep this on a low burner... just to keep it from setting while you are mixing. By now, your cake should be out of the oven - add the nuts if you want them in the frosting - then pour this over the cake. (The frosting sets up like a homemade MMMMM fudge and holds all the moisture in the cake... will stay moist for days like that.)

OMG - Never baked this for ANYONE that they didn't go ape over it. You can leave out the cinnamon, though just a tad is unrecognizable - just "something" good people can't quite put their finger on. TRY IT.

I'm packing boxes for my move, and just couldn't bear the thought of not being able to find this recipe that I love so much. Hope you enjoy it. AND THANK YOU MOM!